For fraternities and sororities looking to up their game, myChapter offers three core features that take your organization to new levels:
1) An Actives List with public statistics
myChapter creates a profile for each active member that is accessible to all other members in the organization. Select a member from the Actives List and view a members dues paid, community service hours completed, and attendance at events. Administrators of the organization can update stats at any time.
2) Automatic Event Check-In
Each event on myChapter is created with a date, time, and location. Using these settings, members can check in when they are in the right place at the right time! Events are categorized as socials, chapters, brotherhoods/sisterhoods etc. and update the attendance of each member automatically. No more walking around mixers with a pen and a clipboard!
3) Announcement Feed
myChapter provides a feed tab where actives can discuss important information, just like on social media! Each post triggers a push notification so actives can read posts as they happen instead of having to open their social media, providing the perfect separation from personal and professional life!
myChapter is a free and customizable service so you can run your organization the way YOU want to.